This Exam Mode test is the last step toward practicing for your QLD Learner’s Test. Whether you want to cruise through Brisbane, take a weekend escape to see the art galleries in Montville, or go for a romantic getaway to Heart Cove, seeing the best of Queensland is easier with your driver’s license – passing your learner’s test brings you one step closer to getting it. Now that you’ve done all the other practice tests on this site, you’re ready for this test in Exam Mode. It has the same amount of questions, the same passing requirements, and allows you to skip questions you don’t know, just like the official QLD Learner’s Test. This test simulator will have a different group of questions each time you take it, with no hints or explanations like those included on the other practice tests. It is the most authentic experience we can give you to prepare for the real written exam. The Exam Mode test will stop as soon as you have passed or failed. Remember, as with all our practice tests, “passing” doesn’t mean you should stop studying and “failure” is just an opportunity to study more so you can learn to pass our practice tests as well as the real QLD learner’s test when it counts. Good luck!
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