Prepare for your WA Learner’s Test with our Test Simulator in Exam Mode! Now that you’ve studied, using our practice prep tests, Exam Mode has disabled the hints and explanations so you can experience taking the official test, without the timed pressure. Exam Mode is exactly like the real test: you’ll have the same number of questions and you can skip over ones if you’re not sure of the answer. Exam Mode will automatically stop once you have passed or failed. You’ll get a fresh batch of questions each time you re-take the test so keep trying if you don’t pass the first time. You’re almost ready to take to the road! Explore the beauty of the Ningaloo Coast, drive to the Perth city center and visit the Swan Bells and the Fremantle Markets, or have the freedom to drive up to the Horizontal Falls; your driver’s license can open a completely new door to Western Australia. Good luck!
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