VicRoads Learners Test Practice
Based on the 2025 VIC Driver's manual
Questions: 45
Mistakes allowed: 10
Passing score: 78%
Official VIC Learners Test: What to Expect
How many questions: | 32 |
How many correct answers to pass: | 25 |
Passing score: | 78% |
Preparing to sit your VicRoads learners test and need to be ultra-confident that you will pass? You’ll be ready when you practice using this simulated learners test. Designed to look and feel just like the real thing, it will evaluate your knowledge of road rules, traffic regulations, as well as vehicle and road safety, all of which you will need to know to pass the learners permit test and drive on Victoria’s roads. There are 45 multiple-choice questions, each with 3 possible answers. Try to choose the most correct answer for each question. To take more learners practice tests and discover useful driving tips, visit the VIC Driver’s Licence FAQ section. Good luck!
How to get the VicRoads learners test: checklist
- Get the most recent edition of the the Road to Solo Driving handbook. Make sure you study all of the handbook, as the questions in the learner permit test are based on all four chapters.
- Take the online practice test on this page.
- Decide on the exam date.
- If you’re ready to take the test, make an appointment and pay the fees. Your learner permit test fees are broken down into two parts: an appointment booking fee and a test fee.
- Fill out the licence or learner permit application form without signing it. You’ll need to complete the following sections: “What are you applying for?”, “Your personal and contact details”, “Your health details”, “Your licence/learner permit record”, and “Additional details” (if required). Bring the unsigned form with you to your appointment at VicRoads so you can sign it there.
- On the test day, bring the following documents with you: 1) your unsigned learner permit application form, 2) one ‘Category A’ evidence of identity document (e.g. Australian birth certificate or passport), 3) one ‘Category B’ evidence of identity document (e.g. Australian bank statement, student ID or Medicare card), and 4) evidence of your current address (if your current address isn’t shown on the Category A or B evidence). If you don’t bring these documents, you won’t be able to take the tests.
- Take the tests at a VicRoads Customer Service Centre. There are two tests you’ll need to take: the knowledge test (10-30 minutes), and the eyesight test (5 minutes). The knowledge test is done on the computer and has 32 questions. You need to get at least 25 questions right to pass (78%. Your pass result will be valid for 12 months.
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